Monthly Archives: October, 2015


Promotional gift sets.


My sister is a businesswoman, and she is a proprietor of a travel agency. I am very proud of her, and she is doing well. She has lots of customers, old and new. A few times she gives gifts to her repeat customers. It was rewarding to see them happy…


The Martian Movie.


I met with a friend who was an expert in Geographic Information System and Intelligence. We would be watching a movie. The Martian. It was great, funny, and thought-provoking. I would recommend it to everyone. I am proud of the USA and the great people who make her exceptional. “Houston,…


Tips on building your own guitar.


When I was growing up, there used to be a solidbody guitar around made of a very durable wood. Oh the relaxation we experience when we listen to soothing music, whether songs or playing our own musical instruments! I love music! And I lead a very busy life. But I…