Total Solar Eclipse in the USA

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It was in 1918 the last time it happened. And on August 21, 2017, 99 years later, a total solar eclipse will travel across the USA from coast to coast. Are your solar glasses ready?

eclipses NASA photoTimes for partial and total phases of the eclipse vary depending on your location. As you can see on the illustration, the total solar eclipse will be experienced along the dark path from Oregon to South Carolina, for approximately 2 minutes.

In Texas, specifically in Houston, the partial solar eclipse will begin at 11:46 am and ends at 2:45 pm. the maximum magnitude of 0.73 will be at 1:16 pm. Looking directly at the sun with our naked eye is drastically damaging to our eyesight, so whether partial or total, you need solar glasses that are able to block off the harmful rays of the sun.

We are ‘lucky’ of the opportunity to experience this celestial show, and luckier still to receive two free solar glasses from Lowell Observatory, where I have a membership with. Thank you #LowellObservatory. Variations of these glasses are on sale on Amazon, but I saw that most of them were recalled for safety issues. 

Total Solar Eclipse in US solar glasses


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Born and raised in the Pearl of the Orient Seas, now living in the United States; a traveler, road tripper, outdoor camper, and field photographer.

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